Over the Top Hot Cocoa Bar



So… Its January…. its cold…  smoggy (is that a word?)  and did I mention its cold?   I am convinced that the only reason that I was born in January was to provide a wonderful moment amid the darkness of winter.

But one of the greatest things about winter is Chocolate… HOT CHOCOLATE!!!


Brooke recently had a game date night with another couple, and took it to a whole other level with the TARGET ONE STOP SECTION!   Hot Chocolate Bar anyone???

Everything you see in the picture above excluding the chalkboards was found at our favorite guilty pleasure shopping spot…. Target!


Brooke spoiled her guests by providing each of them with their own personalized mug!   (they got to take their own mug home as a party favor gift!)


Brooke’s Guests got to choose between different hot cocoa mixes such as, milk chocolate, peppermint, dark chocolate (hey its good for the heart!).



Then they got to top it off with any mix in they wanted!   Brooke had peppermint sticks, mini marshmallows, and caramel vanilla creamer (I had to stop to wipe the drool from my mouth!) The possibilities are endless! And of course the darling paper straws to top it all off!

As I said before, Brooke took this Game Date night to a new level!  Perfect for Valentine’s day, Superbowl parties (you can make it while you pretend to watch the game….  you can’t break during the commercials!)  and those cold winter nights with friends and family!


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